Tag Archives: beach

Tired…. more stripes

6 Aug

Too tired to write too much today.  I give you more stripes from this lovely summer jacket up for sale now at Castaway Vintage


Have a lovely weekend everyone. xxoo


2 Aug

I don’t think it’s any secret that I love stripes, just as much as I do dots, plaid, and all things nautical.  I’ve brought my love of stripes to the Castaway Vintage shop, via 5 new listings ranging from a little hot pink 90’s crop top, a classic red and white striped t, a red, white, and blue 80’s bodysuit with tags still attached, a cool red and white summer beach jacket, and an amazing military/flight uniform style dress!!  Check out the listings here!

Troncones, Pt 2

7 Jun

Spending ten days in Troncones, Mexico last week for my birthday calls for a few posts to show everything!  After we settled in to our bungalow and got a lay of the land around us, Ray took me on a Sunset booze cruise on my birthday, and we ate dinner at a lovely ocean side restaurant; “Villa de la Selva” on the edge of a cliff, which was once home to a former Mexican president!   We took a side trip down the dirt roads by our place to check it out, and came across some amazing wildlife and animals:

Birthday Sunset Booze Cruise with Ray

Birthday Dinner Cliffside at Villa de la Selva in Ixtapa

Beach time!

New nautical print H&M bikini

Little black tip- Ray surfing!

We took a trip down the dirt roads in our rental “rollerskate” car

Saw some donkeys

Some fires,

Some pigs,

Palm trees and a ‘shady’ lookout spot

Some goats,


Hidden Beach access

The rest to come this week!!

Troncones, Mexico Arrival

4 Jun

So at the end of May I turned the big 3-0, and it seems as though every year on my birthday I get really stressed out about where to celebrate, will anyone come, and it usually turns out far more amazing than I could have expected, but this year I just did not want the stress or to chance things “not going my way”, and quite frankly wasn’t too thrilled about ending my 20’s and didn’t really want much of a celebration, so I decided to leave the country with my boyfriend.

Since we already traveled most of the world together, it was hard to find a place to get me excited about- besides maybe Italy, Greece, Egypt or Spain- all of which we definitely don’t have the budget for this year.  We were going to do Hawaii, but it just seemed so ‘touristy’ and Americanized, and expensive.  My boyfriend Ray is an avid surfer, and I love the beach, and I came across this little village of Troncones in Mainland Mexico on the Pacific coast, about 2 hours south of Acapulco, while reading a magazine in the waiting room of the vet’s office; which showed it as this pretty laid back surf spot.  Tickets and rooms were dirt cheap- I was sold!  And little village it was- dirt roads with pigs, donkeys, stray dogs, and roosters crowing at all hours.  Barely any people, pure sun, surf, and relaxation!  These are from the arrival of our trip, I’ll be updating my birthday in my next post!

Mexican ‘Frosted Flakes’- Zucaritas!                        Our upstairs patio / kitchen

View from our balcony/patio

Pouring our 1st rum & pineapple                                     Hanging out poolside

At the Harbor

Beach in Ixtapa- Playa Linda

Enjoying a Pacifico