Archive | October, 2010

Etsy Update: Biggest to date!!

30 Oct

After taking about a month off from listing new items in the Etsy shop due to family issues, I have finally almost caught up with listing things we’ve been acquiring over the past few weeks.  Tons of dresses, jackets, tops….. Here a few of my favorite, but check out CASTAWAY VINTAGE to see them all, and will be adding more items all week!  Stay tuned for our private ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE coming up soon!

60's Mod Red Plaid Wool Dress

Vintage 50's Lanz Gray Plaid Dress

Vintage 80's Gray Leather Jacket

Vintage Levi's Cropped Sherpa Jacket

Vintage 60's Houndstooth Wool Jumper

Vintage Black and White Striped Bow Blouse


On break

8 Oct

For almost the past year, I have been constantly shopping for amazing vintage items, photographing them as often as possible with my boyfriend/business partner, and keeping everyone who follows us updated via this blog, and other channels throughout the internet.  For anyone who may have noticed a slow down in posts and new content lately, it is because my boyfriend and his family have been hit hard the past few weeks with sudden hospitalizing incidents.  My boyfriend’s brother was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma at the young age of 32 with a massive tumor in his chest, and most recently my boyfriend himself suffered a terrible accident this week which resulted in serious head trauma, broken and fractured bones in his face as well as stitches.

Some things in life, like life itself is so much more important than fashion, clothing, or making $$.  We are going to get through this, but please excuse the lack of updates while we take care of this.  I am still shopping when time permits, and photographing and listing accessories periodically. Soon there will be a major update listing of all the things we have gathered over the past month, you won’t be disappointed, I promise.

Take care of yourselves and make sure everyone in your life knows you care about them, life is short and precious.